IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home Journal Content

“International Journal of Mine Water”

Volume 4, Number 4, December 1985

PDFReichel, F., Luckner, L. & Kaden, S. (1985): Estimation of the required Amount of Hydrological Exploration in Lignite Mining Areas on the Basis of Hypothetical Models. – Int. J. Mine Water, 4 (4): 1-20, 7 fig., 7 tab.; Madrid.

PDFHancock, S. (1985): Ventilation Shaft Water Inflow Control - Rossarden Tin Mine, Tasmania, Australia. – Int. J. Mine Water, 4 (4): 21-35, 4 fig., 1 tab.; Madrid.

PDFCain, P., Brown, J. D. & Amirault, J. A. (1985): Stability Enhancement of coal Measures Strata with Water-Based Chemical Agents. – Int. J. Mine Water, 4 (4): 37-53, 1 fig., 1 tab.; Madrid.

PDFHancock, S. (1985): Discussion on Aquifer Restoration at Uranium in situ leach Sites by F. S. Anastasi and R. E.  Williams. – Int. J. Mine Water, 4 (4): 55-56; Madrid.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2012 11:43  

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IMWA and the China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) in Xuzhou/China signed a Memorandum of Understanding about future co-operation. In addition, CUMT explained that they are interested in hosting the IMWA 2014 Congress.